Support All of Bach
Help us to complete All of Bach!
All of Bach is a project by the Netherlands Bach Society. Every day, a team of people works with passion and devotion on everything you can discover on this website. It is a treasure trove of music, background information and interviews - freely accessible all over the world.
But the work is not finished yet. There are still many recordings to be made before the whole of Bach’s oeuvre is online. And we can’t complete the task without the financial support of our patrons. Please help us to complete the musical heritage of Bach, by supporting us with a donation!
Precious treasure trove
All of Bach is a precious undertaking. Our goal is a perfect end result. So not only are the recordings attended by a cameraman and a production assistant, but we also call on experienced directors, artistic staff, sound specialists, lighting technicians and subtitlers. We are also continually on the lookout for the most beautiful locations and the best musicians for realising the next recording of one of Bach’s works. So a ‘simple’ recording day not only costs a lot of time, but also a lot of money.
Make a donation
A one-time donation can be made quickly and easily. Click the button below, fill in a donation amount of your choice under the All of Bach box and add it to your basket. You can complete your transaction with or without an account. You can pay with MasterCard, VISA or a Dutch debit card. Unfortunately, it is not possible to pay with American Express.
You can also make a one-time or monthly donation via Paypal or Credit Card:
Donate via Paypal / Credit Card
Do you prefer to make a donation via bank transfer? Please use:
IBAN: NL31RABO0168541750
Bank account name: Nederlandse Bachvereniging
Description: All of Bach
For your administration: the Netherlands Bach Society is a Cultural Institution for Public Benefit (cultural ANBI). Our ANBI registration number (RSI) is 7085126.
Read more information about deductible donations from abroad
Adopt a work
From € 2.000 it is possible to adopt a recording of a specific BWV number. You can select an already recorded BWV number from the list below. Is your favorite BWV not on the list? Then you can choose to commission a work to be recorded in consultation with the All of Bach team. If you commission a BWV number, you are invited to attend the recording day and experience first-hand how the All of Bach team work together to create the high-quality recordings we publish.
Open for adoption
Would you like more information about adopting a work? Please contact us via development@bachvereniging.nl.