Young Bach Fellowship

The Bach Society’s young talent programme

The Netherlands Bach Society set up the Young Bach Fellowship in 2013. It provides a platform for young musicians who want to develop further in Baroque music. They also receive coaching in the entrepreneurship skills that are required of professional musicians today.

Participants in the Young Bach Fellowship get the opportunity to perform in a production by the Bach Society. They are allocated a mentor, receive coaching and are given support by the marketing and production departments. The fellowship is a breeding ground where talented youngsters are given the scope to experiment, develop and enter into new collaborations.

These are the fellows in the concert seasons 2022-2023 and 2023-2024:

 Anna Bachleitner, soprano Emilie Wijers, alto Samuel Wong, bass
 Iris Kengen, violin Ivan Saez Schwartz, viola Anna Litvinenko, cello
 Giuseppe Ciraso-Cali, double bass Hannah Voss, bassoon  

Would you like to make a financial contribution to the Young Bach Fellowship?
Please contact Marlou GRoot (Head of Development) through She will be happy to discuss all the options with you.

In recent years, the Young Bach Fellowship has received support from the Gieskes-Strijbis Fund. The foundation of the Jos van Veldhoven Fund has made further resources available for continuing the Young Bach Fellowship. The Young Bach Fellowship receives also support from the Dioraphte Foundation, Institute Gak and Het Cultuurfonds.